Friday, September 12, 2008


Hi there.

Due to this weekend's festivities (Renaissance Festival festivites, to be exact), construction outside my apartment building, and door-to-door religious/political folks, I am working on a massive sleep deficit. Estimate for sleep for the past three days: 10 hours, total. Therefore, I am a bit weird and impulsive, as well as tired and grumpy.

This post actually just exists for me to say that I really really really really really want a spinning wheel, preferrably an Ashford Kiwi. And some pretty silk fiber to spin, along with wool. And hand cards to blend fibers with. I can almost kinda afford at least the wheel and the fiber. I just need to decide whether I can stand to part with $300. Oh the pain...


Sharon said...

I wish you lovely, long, restful naps this weekend.

Angel said...

Thank you, Sharon. Oh boy, do I ever need them...