Thursday, February 21, 2008


The world is sick and suffering. The plague is boredom. The noblest goal to pursue now is not virtue, but curiosity.

The greatest commandment is to learn, and to never stop learning. Go, grow plants, pick up a guitar and learn to play, read a book, do something. Stagnation is a sin--it is my fondest hope that staring at the TV will only placate the mind for so long until it rebels, begins a counter-offensive to maintain its integrity lest it melt in the skull. It will turn the media-bloated men and women out blinking into the light. The global subconscious will stage a revolution.

Best yet, turn off this screen. Go outside--I don't care if it's cold, grab a jacket. Make a snowman, or pick up a rock and examine the bugs crawling around underneath, or search the sidewalks and gutters for hidden treasure. Tell someone you love them, in person. Take a notebook and sketch or write about the next person you see.

Draw a deep breath and welcome the new air. You are alive. The only goal is this: be not normal.

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